
How to start and stop Apache Tomcat in windows and linux?


 In windows generally Tomcat start with system, you can see it in task bar. If you want to start it manually, follow below steps.

1. Open command Prompt.
2. Go to TOCAT_HOME(It is tomcat installation location in my case it is C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0)
3. Go to bin folder.

4. Enter below command and press Enter.

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat X.X\bin> TomcatX.exe (X represents version)

5. To stop press ctrl+c


1. Open Terminal.
2. Go to TOMCAT_HOME(Installation/Extracted location).
3. Go to bin.
4. Execute below command.

$ run

5. Press Ctrl+c to stop the server.

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